
Just a touch in the fire burning so bright.

Just a Kiss - Lady Antebellum. Remember when I said I only like about 5 country songs? Well, I may have lied.  I guess summer just brings out the country in me. Nevertheless, I've been listening to this song non-stop, and the video is so cute, too!

Lately, I've spending most of my days doing these three things:

1) Soaking up the rays outside.  I love summer, mainly because I can just lay around and not have a care in the world. But also because of the sunshine of course! I swear, being in the sun makes me so much happier and so much nicer...

2) As I'm sure you've all figured out by now, I thoroughly enjoy reading a good book on my Kindle (I'm so obsessed. Thank you Amazon, you are a god.)

3) When I go back to school in a week and a half (!), it will be recruitment time! So lately I've been crafting for days for my future little one!

Lately, I've been reading a lot of non-fiction books [so intellectual of me, right?].  One of  my favorites that really left an impression on me is Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.  I love how the author first identifies some intriguing mystery that you normally wouldn't notice and then delves further into the topic while sprinkling in some life lessons.